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David Hasselhoff Interview on True Survivor

april 29, 2015

When I heard the track, I went ballistic because I knew I could sing it. It comes from the ’80s! That’s where I have my big hits, it’s the music I organically love.

Published on Tuesday, David Hasselhoff  in this comprehensive interview for Billboard tells the story behind recording Jörgen’s True Survivor, the theme song for the upcoming Swedish short film Kung Fury to compete in Cannes next month.

Hasselhoff continues:
So I flew to Sweden and got into the studio with one of these writers and heard the track and I thought, ”Wow, this is terrific.” It’s definitely a throwback to those Kenny Loggins ’80s tracks that I love.

The guy who wrote this, Jorgen Elofsson, is awesome. His track record is sick. From Kelly Clarkson’s ”Stronger (What Doesn’t Kill You)” to songs with Celine Dion. I kept looking at his wall going, ”Boy, am I with one of the master writers of all time.”

When I heard the track, I went ballistic because I knew I could sing it. It comes from the ’80s! That’s where I have my big hits, it’s the music I organically love. It was the days of Queen, Prince, and Michael Jackson’s heyday.

Thanks for all your kind words, David! /Jörgen